jogador de neliann
Lusitano stallion
Jogador is a 4 years old Lusitano stallion. He was born here, at our barn. He should stand 16h2 at maturity. He is perlino (EE AA CrCr)
He is by Chateaubriant do Passargada. Chateaubriant won several awards in the United States, including 2012 USEF Horse of the Year in Halter and IALHA High Point Halter Horse.
His dam, Caliente RF is by Lusiadas. Caliente is related to great stallions such as Quimono and Umbaba
Jogador is IALHA registered
Jogador is a 4 years old Lusitano stallion. He was born here, at our barn. He should stand 16h2 at maturity. He is perlino (EE AA CrCr)
He is by Chateaubriant do Passargada. Chateaubriant won several awards in the United States, including 2012 USEF Horse of the Year in Halter and IALHA High Point Halter Horse.
His dam, Caliente RF is by Lusiadas. Caliente is related to great stallions such as Quimono and Umbaba
Jogador is IALHA registered